To pay by credit card, please complete the following form and submit your request online. To pay by check, please download the form and mail the completed form and payment to: 
Mediate Management Company, ATTN: Client Services, 4 Bunker Hill Industrial Park, Boston, MA 02129.

Refinance Document Request Form
Property Address
Property Address
Street Address
Unit #

Unit Transfer Fees

Refi of Unit or Heloc
Fee includes responses to questions from authorized parties. Standard production time for documents vary and are noted next to each item below.
Please check the appropriate boxes to request:
Additional Services
Some lenders require a non-standard/lender-specific questionnaire instead of the standard questionnaire included with the Unit Transfer Fee. Non-standard questionnaires are provided upon request and at an additional fee of $300 because it requires legal review prior to production. This fee is applied directly to the unit ledger at the time of the request. We will do our best to meet the expedited non-standard questionnaire and 6(d) promise of 2 business days but attorney or Board availability may lengthen production time.
*Expedited production of the Non-Standard Questionnaire and 6(d) or Co-op certificate cannot be guaranteed if legal review or a Board member signature is required.

Payment Information

Credit Card
Credit Card
Card Number
CVV/Security Code
Billing is the same as property address
Billing Address
Billing Address
Street Address
Unit #
The undersigned owner or Owner’s Agent hereby authorizes Mediate Management Company, Inc. (MMC) to release information in all matters concerning the unit and the association including pending litigation (if any). Information about this transaction is being provided by MMC in its capacity as managing Agent for the Association to the best of its knowledge and belief. Information is gathered from sources deemed to be reliable, however, MMC does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. The undersigned also agrees to pay MMC the total amount due for the above Documents or Services and further agrees to pay a minimum charge of $250 in collection costs should MMC be required to pursue collection action for payment of ordered Documents and/or Services.